Friday, July 29, 2011

Mad Professor Book Reading Rexville Grocery

Author Rupert Schmitt will give readings from The Mad Professor and The Interview and Other Poems.

Time: 3pm. Sunday August 7th. Place: Rexville Grocery located on the country , close to the banks of the Skagit River, on the road from La Conner, Washington to Conway Washington.

The Mad Professor satirizes Western Washington Community Colleges, politician, bureaucrats, and big box store malls. The action takes place in Humalah which resembles Skagit County, Washington. In the past Rupert’s readings have included the outrageous where audience eats mangoes, makes jungle sounds and attempts to fly.

The novel includes the machine gunning of sacks of sugar, a new religion based upon DNA, and a variety of lies. Environmental author Thomas J. Lyon wrote, “Here is one fine book. It threatens to leave common sense linearity behind and dwell in wild supposition, laughter and the curious little squawks and squeeks of a free mind. In the end it tells a powerful story.” James Bertolino, poet, wrote, “Rupert Schmitt is a poet who is both playful and wise.”,